About Us

Welcome to our corner of traditional elegance, where the heart of German heritage meets timeless fashion. We are a family-run business with deep roots in Germany, proudly crafting high-quality German dirndl dress sets since 1942. Our mission is to offer authentic and affordable dirndl dresses that stay true to the rich Bavarian culture. Each dress is meticulously designed to capture the essence of tradition, blending quality craftsmanship with affordability.

At our core, we believe in providing a range of sizes, including plus sizes, ensuring every woman can embrace the beauty of a dirndl dress. Our commitment to quality extends beyond just fabric – it's a promise to deliver dresses that reflect the authenticity and regality of German cultural celebrations.

Our dirndl dress sets are perfect for various occasions, from the lively festivities of Oktoberfest to the casual charm of beer garden parties and costume extravaganzas. Each set is meticulously curated, featuring a dress, apron, and traditional white crop top blouse, making the purchase of your ideal dirndl dress a seamless experience.

Our intention with Edelweiss Creek was to make a more affordable yet durable dirndl to wear and enjoy for Oktoberfest. Our quality dirndls are 65% Cotton and 35% Polyester creating the perfect combination for a lightweight and durable dirndl.

Join us in celebrating tradition, style, and the joy of cultural festivities with our exquisite dirndl dress sets. From our family to yours, we invite you to experience the timeless allure of German fashion that transcends generations.

- Edelweiss Creek Team